

Scenario Map:

When you move the mouse pointer over the map, unit name, strength and coordinates are displayed as a label. When you press terrain button object name is displayed (city, river, sea, ...)

Changes and corrections of map:

Scenario author:
Scenario origin:
Last revision date:

First release:
Revision released:

New scenario - under construction.

Historic overview:

Fictional scenario on the fictive island inspired by famous TV series "LOST". Americans made ??an invasion on Lost Island, a secret Japanese base.

Scenario in dates:

Game play matters:

Campaign play:

Scenario data:

Map size: 0 x 0 hexes
0 turns, 0 days per turn
Version: PacAGPG 4, Starting side: Allies, Campaign: Single scenario, Order in campaign: 0.
Allied states:    USA
Axis states:    Japan
Neutral states:    -
Allies:    defend
Axis:    defend
Experience of Allied purchased units:   
Experience of Axis purchased units:   
Climate region:    Dry area
Weather character in region:    Usually desert or area where was not rain during battle fights.
Game time costingness of scenario:    neurčeno %
(product of units and turns numbers divided by difference between the most long and the most short scenario)
Number of Allied units:
0 units, from them are 0 core units and 0 auxiliary units
0 air units, 0 naval units and 0 ground units
0 of units are loaded to air transport and 0 to naval transport
Transports Air/Naval:
Allies - Axis

0/0 - 0/0
Number of Axis units:
0 units
0 air units, 0 naval units and 0 ground units
0 of units are loaded to air transport and 0 to naval transport

Initial prestige + every turn donation:
Allies / Axis

40 + 0 / 40 + 0
Max number of Allied units:
0 units, from them are 0 core units and 0 auxiliary units
- on start of scenario is possible to purchase 0 unit
   (0 core + 0 auxiliary)
Max number of Axis units:
0 units
- on start of scenario is possible to purchase 0 unit
Transport units:
Allies - air:    not available
Axis - air:    not available
Allies - naval:    not available
Axis - naval:    not available

Victory conditions:

Decisive strategic objects:      0

Major victory:      0
Minor victory:      0

Prestige donation for Major victory:      500
Prestige donation for Minor victory:      200

Battle participated units:

   Complete list of all units on map including coordinates, strenght, experience etc.

 List of types participated units
Allied units:

Axis units:

Map names list:

Battlefield map: