Bugs Correction

Archive correct.rar includes these corrected files:
panzequp.eqp - file adopted from Allied General (contains all original units with original parametres plus a few units as Commandos, ST Guard etc.) with corrected names (for example JU 87d is correctly Ju 87D, GB Spit I is Spitfire MkI, ..etc.)
Changed price of two units, which tainted game by purchasing a number of cheap units. Pzjager changed from 24 prestige to 36 prestige and IT sem-47 from 12 to 48.
More changes for icon settings and correctted mobilne anti-aircraft GB 20mm, which had no fuel calculation.
tacicons.shp - corrected icons of some:
Cromwell MkVI Gun(before it had icon of normal tank), Typhoon(before it had iconu of Hurricane!), I-16 Rata (before it had icon of biplane I-15!), Il-2 Sturmovik, T-34/76, Polish bomber PLZ p37b (it "pulled" pixel point out of icon), Fw 190D9

- scenario Berlin-West. There were flag of Switzerland in purchasing of Allied units. Flag deleted, Switrezland was neutral country whole war!
game007.scn - scenario North Africa. Italian tank had bad german flag. Changed to Italian. Pz38 had no deployed in North Africa during WW2. Replaced by PzIIIE.
- scenario Berlin-East. There were Soviet flags on the Switzerland's territory on the map! Corrected to Switzerland's flags
map04.set - scenario Low countries. There was bad data for Allied states. It caused crashing scenario. Added British flags to Lille and close airfield. There was no any English flag on the map.
map23.set - scenario Barbarossa - airfield Vilno didn't supply planes, corrected
game024.scn, map24.set, map24.stm - scenario Kiev. Map converted for north on the top.
game026.scn, map26.set, map26.stm - scenario Sevastopol. Map converted for north on the top.
game019.scn, map19.set, map19.stm - scenario Market-Garden. Map converted for north on the top.
game033.scn, map33.set, map33.stm - scenario Budapest. Map converted for north on the top.
map17.set, map17.stm - scenario Cobra. Corrected bad hexes, most visible bug was city Bolbec with German flag, which din not belong to any side (Axis and Allies cannot to see and to buy here)
map18.set, map18.stm
- scenario Ardennes. Corrected bad hexes.
mapnames.str - added map names from AG
- added image of Axis aircraft Carrier. Prepared for Pacific scenarios
flags.shp - file with corrected flags. In original files there were flags with communist symbols (Rumania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria), which were added to flags after war!
tacmap.shp - eliminated white pixels on images of desert
- corrected hexes on strategic map, which differed from hexes on tactical map
- more nice window for New equipment available.
panzer.exe - corrected bugs in purchasing - Cromwell Gun was among tanks, Pe-8 strategic bomber was among tactical bombers. Eliminated bug known from Ardennes scenario during embarking to air transport "strange icon"
- corrected bug in date after Major victory in Barbarossa -> in Kiev way there was date August 23, 1940 -> corrected 1941
All files copy to DAT directory, panzer.exe to EXE dorectory. Replace old files, they are for nothing

Show of corrections:casualty.shp, newstuff.shp před a po úpravě:


Corrected files for PG